Jacintha Gunasekera - Fertility Naturopath

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Invoke | Reflect, imagine and invoke, this New Year

The New Year provides us with the chance to

Review and reflect

And then to imagine and inspire

And lastly, to invite and invoke

It’s an opportunity for special reflection of the past year, and some visualisation of the year ahead.

I like to do this activity myself every New Year, and oftentimes periodically through the year too.

Set some time aside to do this. Uninterrupted time.

Quiet time if that assists with introspection, or buzzing background noise if that fosters inspiration!

Sunrise, sunset, or whenever you can carve out 30 minutes of the day for YOU.

Whatever works !

Invoke 2022

✴︎ Grab pen and paper.

No really, go and grab pen and paper. Phones and laptops just don’t cut it for high-vibe intention-making.

✴︎ Create a special space around you. You might be in Nature, or in bed. Make it manageable, and meaningful for you.

✴︎ Choose what is available to you and what resonates to make this time special

A candle, incense, background music, a flower, a crystal, a hot chocolate, a cold sparkly…

✴︎ Keep your heart full as you reflect on these starting questions

Review & reflect

☾ In what ways have you been proud of yourself this year?

☾ At what moments did you feel your light really shine? Brightly.

☾ What has brought you joy?

☾ How can you have more of that?

☽ What has brought you sadness? - joy and sadness are simply different sides of the same coin, but we can learn and gain strength and resilience from both. Don't shy away from acknowledging your shadow feelings, naming them, and growing through them.

Imagine & inspire

✴︎ How would you like 2022 to look?

List it…write it…draw it…bullet-journal it…mind-map it…colour-it-in!

What does it look like, sound like, feel like? Make it real.

Invite & invoke

What steps can you start putting into place to Make That Happen. The magic is with you ✴︎

Chunk it down. Carve it up and start with One Thing.

  • Writing the next Great Australian Novel might start with committing to write 5 pages a day. Or joining a writing group.

  • Getting stronger and more fit might start with walking for 20 minutes every day. Or working with a PT once a week.

  • Making a dietary change (less meat? less dairy? less gluten?) might start with changing one meal. Or bookmarking some online recipe inspo.

You need to start somewhere. Usually at the beginning.

Review & reflect (again)

Revisit this periodically. Keep yourself accountable. Or share this with a friend and keep each other accountable.

Faltering doesn't mean failure.

Revisit, review and renew.

Happy New Year.

Love a ritual? Here are a few of my favourite things!

(No affiliations…I just love these things)

If you have any questions about your fertility, women’s health or hormone balance, make an appointment with Jacintha to discuss.

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