An orange turmeric sunshine shot

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How about you drink in some Spring energy with this morning Orange Turmeric Sunshine shot!

This anti-inflammatory morning shot will kickstart your digestion and provides nourishing ingredients for hormone function and uterine circulation.

It uses ingredients you'll definitely already have in your kitchen, so try it now before breakfast for a week, and pay attention to any changes to your digestion.

And enjoy drinking the sunshine in to celebrate Spring!



A bit of sunshine anyone?

Yellow is a highly energising colour and ground turmeric is bright as can be.

Turmeric is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and also a choleretic and chologogue, meaning it helps with bile production and movement in the body. Bile is our body's natural laxative, promoting regular bowel movements and the elimination of toxins and other waste products.



Ginger is a warming digestive herb.

It assists with any bloating, flatulence or poor appetite.

It's also warming and stimulating to our general and reproductive circulation.

Ginger is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory to assist with managing period pain.



We need an injection of orange into this morning shot because the colour orange represents our sacral chakra.

Our sacral chakra is located between the pubic bone and belly button and is in charge of our reproductive organs and our sense of abundance and creativity.

The colour orange nourishes reproductive balance.

Oranges contain beta carotene, an antioxidant shown to enhance ovarian function.

B-carotene also converts to Vitamin A - another antioxidant and a nutrient that nourishes all our mucus membranes.

Oranges also contain another carotenoid pigment - beta-cryptoxanthin - that may slow down ovarian ageing.


Apple cider vinegar

Shop for an apple cider vinegar  (ACV) with the 'mother' - it will have a cloudy or stringy appearance and contains the probiotic element of ACV.

ACV is a fermented probiotic food that stimulates our digestive secretions.

It assists with blood sugar balance when we have it with a meal, and reduces gastric emptying, so it helps us feel fuller for longer.



Black pepper is another warming herb and has been shown to improve the absoprtion of turmeric.

There are also emerging views that Black pepper might also be a thymoleptic or 'mood lifting' herb.

We all need a bit of that lately.


Make it

Blend together:

  • 1/2 orange

  • 1/4 tsp ground turmeric

  • 1/4 tsp minced ginger

  • 2 tsp ACV

  • a couple grinds of pepper

  • 1/4 C water

It's a kicker! - don't say I didn't warn you


If you have any questions about how your diet can affect your hormone balance and fertility, make an appointment with Jacintha to discuss


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