The Anti-detox Detox

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Spring = detox. Doesn’t it?

Yes…and, no.
Spring is the time we typically want to shake off the winter weather, shed our layers and feel lighter. Lighter in body and spirit. And a detox is one way to acknowledge this seasonal shift.

A little Spring ritual, you might say.

But I’m not a fan of the heroic-style Juice-fast, Water-fast, Fast -fast (!) detoxes out there. Especially if you’re trying to conceive, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are feeling adrenally or energetically exhausted. This is a time where you need to nourish and rebuild. And you can do both while ‘detoxing’.

A whole food diet can act as a gentle detox. A few mindful lifestyle changes, can act as a gentle detox. Even the best of us can get a little complacent with our diet and lifestyle. Spending a week to re-focus on whole foods, and moving our body regularly, is pretty do-able.

The Anti-detox Detox

Plan ahead, and then over the next week, put these steps into practice. Let me know how you go…



Drink at least 2 litres of water every day 

This is a hard one for me. Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m just not a thirsty person. BUT, I found my key to drinking more, and it was my very own Eureka moment. A thermos.

You heard me. For me, a water bottle is good, because if I’m carrying it I’m more likely to drink. But a thermos is Even Better. I discovered I LOVE hot drinks! It was revolutionary for me to see how much more easily I could drink when it was a warm herb tea in my thermos!

You could also try: 

💧 placing jugs around the house to remind you to drink
💧 flavour your water with lemon / lime / mint / rosemary / cucumber / orange slices / raspberries
💧 put a reminder in your phone to have a glass of water every couple of hours
💧 set yourself the challenge to drink 1L by lunch and another 1L by dinner

Try it for your skin, bowels and, to feel satiated.



Enjoy a glass of warm water with

the juice of ½ lemon or 2 tbs apple cider vinegar, on rising

This is a profoundly simple way to stimulate your digestive secretions.

If you have any bloating, constipation or general digestive discomfort (or even if you haven’t!), try this out.



Include at least 5 serves of vegies and 2 serves of fruit each day

So, just what constitutes ‘a serve’?  I’m glad you asked!

Too often vegies are either completely absent from our meals, or a pretty lame afterthought.

Make vegies the Main Event on your plate.

Invite them to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

They even like to hang out at morning and afternoon tea!

Let them STAR…

Breakfast – Hummus, spinach & tomato on a slice of grainy toast anyone? Sprinkle some pumpkin seeds on top for crunch then drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.

Morning tea –a handful of roasted chickpeas

Lunch – Big salad of spinach, rocket, grated carrot & beetroot, shredded purrple cabbage, cherry tomatoes, brown lentils and a boiled egg. Toss with sesame oil and tamari. Scatter with sesame seeds

Afternoon tea – it’s an oldie but a goodie – celery sticks and peanut butter

Dinner – Serve your protein with a rainbow of roasted zuchinni, cauliflower, mushroom, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin. And some buttery peas.

That’s well over 5 serves of veg!
Scroll down for an easy and delicious Spring Veg recipe delight.



Eat whole grains

For this week, make any grains that you’re eating, whole.

Wholegrain bread, brown pasta, brown or red rice, quinoa, rolled oats (not the microwave packets), buckwheat, barley. While some of these whole grains take a little longer to prepare than their refined counterparts, they yield more fibre, B vitamins and minerals.



Avoid sugar, coffee, alcohol

For one week.

See how you feel without being propped up by your morning coffee or your afternoon sweet hit.
How well you can unwind and sleep without that glass of wine with dinner?



Play: move your body for 30 minutes each day

Moving your body stimulates your lymphatic circulation and its removal of waste. Sweating is a way to detox through your skin.

If exercise isn’t something you usually enjoy, try something new and fun:

  • buy a skipping rope

  • hula-hoop

  • run

  • walk

  • cycle

  • swim

  • try aqua aerobics

  • a zumba class

  • stream a yoga class in your lounge room

  • dance

  • join a teamsport

Try a different one every day! We can all find 30 minutes…



Scrub & shine

Another way to support lymphatic circulation is to gently scrub your skin, either before or during showering. This also helps exfoliate your skin.

For dry-skin brushing, use a loofah / body brush / or exfoliating glove, to gently massage your skin. Move in a circular motion from the soles of your feet, upwards.

Or if you prefer, exfoliate in the shower instead.

Make your own salt-scrub with coarse sea salt, a little bit of olive oil, essential oils, lemon zest or fresh / dried herbs.



Get 7 – 8 hours sleep each night

Our body is busy while we’re resting!

Our immune system kicks into gear, our brain detoxifies and solidifies our memories, our cells are repaired, weight and appetite are regulated…it’s a busy time.

Support this one-week Anti-detox Detox, and get to bed early.



Prioritise pleasure

Why must detox’s be so horrific?! Can’t we all have a good time AND be healthy?

I say YES!

So, do things that bring you pleasure for every day of this detox.

Restore your soul while you nourish your body.

Feel the sand or grass between your toes, read a book, colour-in, cook, watch a movie, have a facial, or a massage, garden, buy yourself some flowers, brew your afternoon tea in a teapot (with the good china), knit, sew, paint, journal…

This could be the first detox you sail instead of suffer, through!
Enjoy, and let me know how you go.


If you’d like to nourish your hormones, health & fertility, book an appointment with me to discuss.


Two-tray spicy roast veg

I’m happily cooking my way through the recipes of Much More Veg by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall of River Cottage fame.

This recipe has been on high rotation because it’s soooo easy it essentially cooks itself AND it’s delicious.

It’s got a ton of vegies and is perfect for your Anti-detox Detox!

Add some chickpeas, boiled eggs or paneer for some protein.

Two-tray spicy roast veg


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