The inner seasons of your menstrual cycle

Does it ever feel as though your body is working against you? Or that you're working against it? Your menstrual cycle in particular?

Would you be intrigued to know there's a way you can work with your menstrual cycle?

That by understanding its ebb and flow, we can live in greater alignment with our biology?

Our menstrual cycle is just one of the many 'cycles' we find ourselves in and surrounded by.

We live in a world, a Universe, full of cycles.


The day/night cycle

The lunar cycle

Our very own life cycle

The Earth's orbit around the Sun - the cycle of our year

The cycle of the Seasons


We exist as part of these cycles. We exist within them.

Women are cyclical beings themselves - our inner cycle, our menstrual cycle is one of the most important cycles in Nature. Once we reach menarche and experience our first period, our body is constantly striving to keep us in cycle. The inner workings of our hormones are at play, shifting daily, to keep our menstrual cycle regular and in balance.

It's in this way, by paying attention to how each of the phases of our menstrual cycle change and how we feel physically and energetically throughout, that our inner cycle mirrors the cycle of the seasons in Nature.

In this way of thinking, our menstrual cycle is divided into four phases, which correlate with the seasons:

The menstrual phase, mirrors WINTER 🌑 Cycle days 27-5

The follicular phase mirrors SPRING ☾ Cycle days 6 - 11

Ovulation mirrors SUMMER ⚪️ Cycle days 12 - 19

The luteal phase mirrors AUTUMN ☽ Cycle days 20 - 26

In a 28-day menstrual cycle, these phases are divided in equal length. But this is arbitrary and will feel different (and in fact be different) for each woman. Don't get caught up in the cycle days themselves. If your cycle is shorter or longer, pay attention to how you're feeling - you might feel your Spring / Autumn phase is longer than indicated above.


Menstrual phase | Bleed | Winter

Moon phase New moon


During our periods our energy slows down. We often want to hibernate.

Our energy and focus is inward and dreamy.

This is a good time to let ourselves slow down and focus on rest. What that sometimes means is saying 'no' to too many commitments, or commitments that aren't aligned with how you're feeling during this phase.

This might also mean getting to bed early - prioritising rest - which can be difficult to do. We live very stimulated lives, including at evening-time when we should be winding down. At night we find ourselves scrolling our social media, or streaming some tv. We're all guilty of sacrificing rest, for this other kind of 'downtime'.

But rest is vital, and is truly fundamental to being productive.

Your menstrual phase, your inner winter, is a good time of your cycle to practise rest. Get to bed early. Turn down the lights. Hibernate.

While our focus and energy is more inward during this time, working from home or working independently, would be good options if you're able to do so. If you're not in a position to do this, try to protect your energy while at work - try to avoid scheduling meetings during this time, spend time during your breaks conserving your energy, read quietly instead of having a big lunch with colleagues.

In terms of our cycle, we are 'letting go' of our uterine lining, in preparation for renewal.

In your inner Winter, what can you 'let go’ of?

As you are in literal flow, how can you create flow and ease over the next cycle?

If you're a planner, this is the time to create lists and mind-maps and plan out your cycle ahead. What can you dream into being?

If you wouldn't usually consider yourself to be a planner, now is the phase of your cycle to give it a try - it might actually come more naturally at this time of your cycle.

The associated lunar phase is the new moon or dark moon.

According to folklore, women would bleed during the dark moon, or new moon. This obviously wouldn't have been true...Little Miss Textbook didn't exist back then either...but it does reflect the energy of our periods - the hibernation, the looking inward, the darkness.

🌑 Key words: Letting go, rest & reconnect, surrender, nourish

🌑 Affirmation: I nourish and reconnect to self

🌑 Winter beverage: Cacao - the cacao is restorative and to the mayans was always used in a sacred way, for heart- and spirit-opening.


Follicular phase | Pre-ovulation | Spring

Moon phase Waxing


Once our periods end, our energy starts to climb again, we start to feel more productive.

This is beginning to become a more productive time, and a more social time.

It's a good time for social connection, for meetings and collaboration.

It's a great time to tease out what you were dreaming in your Winter phase...bring your plans and dreams to life.

Physically, our oestrogen levels are starting to climb and that helps with our focus and cognition. Our problem-solving skills are enhanced.

Also under the influence of oestrogen, the uterine lining that we've just shed, is starting to renew, rebuild and thicken. Grow.

In what ways are you renewing yourself? What ideas of yours can you grow?

At the same time, the follicles on our ovaries are starting to grow and mature. They're blossoming in preparation for ovulation, where the dominant follicle will be ovulated. As our follicles are maturing, we enter a highly creative phase. I like to think of our ovaries as being full of all the potential of the Universe - that we walk around with the whole universe inside us. They are the very seat of creation and creativity (they are creation!).

So how can you blossom in this phase? What ideas and plans can sprout?

The associated lunar phase is the Waxing moon.

As with our growing follicles and uterine lining, this moon phase represents growth. The increased light in the night sky from the waxing moon reflects our own feelings of lightness and sociability.

☾ Keywords: Creativity, focus, motivation, renewal, energy

☾ Affirmation: I am blossoming in every way to support my higher being

☾ Spring beverage: Matcha - the green energy of matcha is perfect for Spring, and the uplifting theophylline and caffeine match our more social spirits.


Ovulation | Summer

Moon phase Full moon


This is a high energy and highly joyful phase. Lots of women will feel an increase in their libido at this stage as well.

Ovulation. This is what everything has been building toward, this is the crescendo.

The butterfly emerging from the chrysalis, coming into its own.

The blossom coming into full bloom.

It's a big party really!

One of our maturing follicles has become the lead (or dominant follicle), and is ovulated. That big, shiny and sparkly egg is released, ready to be fertilised!

That full creative potential is out there.

That's the energy of Summer.

Capitalise on this by scheduling social activities and presentations during this time.

Just as our ovulated egg is big, shiny and sparkly, so are you! This is the time to let yourself be show off! And if you're usually a more introverted creature, this is the phase of your cycle to organise or say 'yes' to the social gathering, or work presentation, or to introduce yourself to someone you've been wanting to.

You can also harness this energy by enjoying more high-intensity exercise during this phase.

The associated lunar phase is the dramatic full moon.

It's like our big and shiny egg, sitting brightly in the night sky, reminding us of our brilliance and our creative bounty.

⚪️ Key words: Confidence, sensual, playful, expressive, pleasure

⚪️ Affirmation: I Am In Full Bloom

⚪️ Summer beverage: Coffee - Oh yeah, bring on that caffeine, bring on that thymoleptic mood-enhancing effect. No sugar needed, you are way sweet enough. Make it hot.


Luteal phase | Post-ovulation | Autumn

Moon phase Waning


It’s a basic law of the Universe: what goes up, must come down.

After the high of ovulation, we start to slow down and look inward again, as we prepare for our next inner Winter. We are winding down.

We might find ourselves a bit less quick to join in, or a bit more sensitive to an unintentioned barb.

Our body is preparing for the next Winter too. As we approach menstruation our progesterone and oestrogen start to drop off. We might start to experience premenstrual symptoms.

This is a time where our full Summer confidence starts to falter. We might start to second guess ourselves. We might feel less resilient in the face of criticism from others, or from our very own harsh inner critic. So we start to move inwards again.

The challenge during this phase is vulnerability vs resilience.

Allowing yourself to feel vulnerable as you slow down, as your hormones shift, and as your body feels different approaching menstruation.

But also fortifying oneself against internal or external critical voices.

As leaves are shed from trees in Autumn, the branches and roots remain strong.

We need to be resourceful now, to protect our energy in the coming Winter or period - start to delegate, organise food in the house or cook some meals to keep in the freezer, look to the week ahead and see if you need to reschedule any engagements.

The associated lunar phase is the Waning moon.

Just like us, the energy is winding down, the light is fading, it is preparing for the darkness of the next dark moon.

☽ Key words: Vulnerable and assertive, inward, protective

☽ Affirmation: I am enough and there is strength in my vulnerability

☽ Autumn beverage: Chai - warm up as you move toward Winter. Make it spicy. Cinnamon and ginger support pelvic circulation and create warmth, to prepare your body for a smooth menstruation.

What if I don't have a regular menstrual cycle?

Some women aren't menstruating at all, or infrequently, making this concept of the menstrual cycle and the seasons, difficult to relate to.

This might be due to conditions like:

  • PCOS

  • Hypothalamic amenorrhoea

  • Diminished ovarian reserve

  • Undergoing fertility treatment

  • Hysterectomies (women with ovaries will still have a 'cycle', but no bleed)

  • Perimenopause / menopause

But there is a way to anchor into a regular cycle, if that's what you're craving to do.

The inner cycle might not be there, but if it feels meaningful to you, you can keep anchored into a regular cycle by paying attention to or having an awareness around the lunar cycle.

The menstrual phase, is associated with the NEW MOON 🌑

The follicular phase reflects the WAXING MOON ☾

Ovulation is the FULL MOON ⚪️

The luteal phase is seen in the WANING MOON ☽

This is a special way to connect with the cycles of Nature, and the feminine energy of the moon, in the absence of a regular menstrual cycle.

Viewing our menstrual cycle in this way connects us with what's happening inside our bodies.

Or aligning to the phases of the moon connects us to the heart and spirit of our cycle - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically. We can embrace this knowledge and use it.

This is a powerful way of working with our body instead of working against it, or feeling  as though our body is working against us.

A big thank you to the Red School for their pioneering education and advocacy about menstruation and menstrual cycles, including this view of our inner seasons.


If you have any questions about your menstrual cycle, please book an appointment with Jacintha to discuss.


While you’re here, you might be interested in:


Podcast: Healthy menstrual cycles


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